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"Submerged Soul" delves into the depths of human emotion, capturing a sense of suffocation amidst an expression of raw emotion. In this poignant artwork, the viewer is confronted with the visceral experience of feeling trapped and overwhelmed by intense feelings.
At the forefront of the composition lies a sense of suffocation, depicted through tight and constricted forms that seem to press in on the viewer from all sides. The oppressive atmosphere evokes a feeling of claustrophobia and confinement, creating a sense of unease and discomfort.
Amidst the constricted space, an expression of raw emotion emerges, conveyed through the contorted shapes and twisted forms. The visceral quality of the artwork invites viewers to confront their own inner turmoil and grapple with the complex emotions that lie beneath the surface.
As viewers engage with "Submerged Soul" they are drawn into a world of intense feeling and emotional depth. The expression of emotion serves as a cathartic release, allowing viewers to connect with their own inner struggles and find solace in the act of self-expression.
Through its portrayal of suffocation and expression of emotion, "Submerged Soul" serves as a powerful reminder of the human capacity for resilience and transformation. It invites viewers to confront their own inner demons and find strength in the face of adversity, reminding them that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope for light.
Oil Painting
Dimensions: 62 x 55cm
Sense of Suffocation, Expression of Emotion

Submerged Soul

SKU: 3734494
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